My little one turned 8 last Friday.
It is very surreal that the little baby who rested in her Dad's arms as the sun came up after her birth is now 8 years old. When people used to say "time flies" I'd roll my eyes, but it really feels like it does... especially when birthdays come around. It seems like the time is slipping through my fingers...
We spent Sat with friends in the lower blue mountains & we did lovely marbling & sketching (while the guys worked on fixing up our camping trailer outside in the cold), then yesterday Nan & Pop came for a visit & Bon was given some beautiful sketch pads & pencils so she spent the whole afternoon drawing & copying images from a Faber Castel DVD teaching kids how to cartoon...this is her picture called "Crazy Cows". She is getting into art so much. (I've been doing big pictures & posters to try to help one of the Librarians at school that I'm friends with too - it's fun!) I know that she is very much her own person, yet I see so much of myself in her. Her gentle ways, her love of music & art, her clumsiness at times, her compassion for others, & her caution at trying new things...I can't believe I have a living daughter who is so wonderful. I stare at her sometimes & get a glimpse of that baby I nursed so many years ago...
I worked 2 casual days last week & I still feel exhausted. Some aspects are like riding a bike. Some things are all so new. It's a different school since I was there...some lovely kids, some disrespectful kids, staff that need lots of love & encouragement....you'll laugh when you hear what I've taught. Food tech, Yrs 1, 3, 6, Yr 7, 8, 9, 11, Geography, Computers, Special English, GERMAN (lol) & Music...& good old playground duty...a bit of everything. Although I haven't had to teach Yr 10 year - those boys just look so huge...& look like they're ready for a fight at any time...
Well...back to the daily chores. With so much rain I'm STILL trying to catch up on all the laundry.
Crossing my fingers & hoping that in a week or so I'll get to visit Queensland...not holding my breath though as we always have to expect the unexpected...