Friday, July 30, 2010


or a lounge?

Something that made me smile!!


Kerrie said...

It looks good Lis, but what if someone sits on it...??? I'd like to see that.

P.S. It was 26 degrees here today, forecast 27 for tomorrow. What are you doing in Sydney..??

Lissy said...

I am guessing it's built to be pretty solid.

Oh, it made it to about 20 today I think...sigh.

Word on the street was we were going to be heading up your way after the next school hols...but there is so much happening at David's work, even though the long service leave is there he doesn't know if he can take it? I can but hope things calm down. That balmy Spring weather up there would be lovely for relaxing near a pool...with you...& coffee...& chats... (((hugs)))