Friday, June 18, 2010

Feeling like a bear with a...


been in bed all day with a sore head...had to keep the kiddies home because I just couldn't get them to school...

they took care of me...

tonight I have been all over the internet because there has been some relief for the pain...

I've seen great things on you Tube, read great blogs about those who battle chronic conditions & found some great stuff written about Lupus...

I flip between being super positive, trying to ignore the Lupus hoping that it will all have been a bad dream, to wanting to just crawl into a ball & acknowledge that it is indeed a part of my life...

headaches totally suck...

but D was just sent an email that some wonderful friends have just had a little girl 'Isabel' wonderful & how precious. What a wonderful reminder that life continues - the never ending ebb & flow of life...

...headaches still suck...

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