Friday, January 27, 2012

Holidays SCREAMING to an end!

Yesterday was Australia Day so the Melon & Mum made Damper of course!

It wasn't the best I've made, but it was made with love by us both! Lovely with some golden syrup & butter fresh out of the oven.

Trying to psych up for another year at work. Trying really really hard. Sometimes I remember all the wonderful things I love about education & why it is so incredibly important. Then I remember how exhausted & bitter I felt at the end of last year. I remembered the amazing joy I felt about considering further study, then I wondered if I could...could I really. It's how I felt before I started my B.Mus.Ed, & I survived that. Now I am churning again...can I, will I. Is my brain still up to the challenge or has it been so burnt out & wounded over the years that it's not going to be able to cope with everything??

I keep thinking, if I don't try I'll never know. So I should at least make a start! Sigh...

Kids starting to get nervous & narky too. A busy weekend ahead. We are saying goodbye to two wonderful assistant ministers at church...*tears*. I hate goodbyes, I hate change. I know I shouldn't feel like that but it's just my selfishness. I want things to be easier for ME, but that's not caring for them...

2012. It's barely begun & I am taking very tentative steps forward...

1 comment:

Betsy Grant said...

At least your honest. We have to admit/accept where we are before we can change whatever needs changing within us. All the best with your new studies if that is what you decide to do. I wanted to let you know I am making and posting new music videos almost every week on my blogs which you might enjoy. Visit me sometime.