D going stir crazy after a week of coughing at home so has rugged up & headed off into wild blue yonder for an hour. (Eric's eyes welled up with tears as he left. Sometimes he is so sensitive & on the ball with what Dad is feeling!)
Although Sunday is normally a NO TV day here, I just put on Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory to settle the kids down. They are "antsy" today, nitpicking with each other. They have built things with KidsKNex, they have coloured in & made a drawing for a sick friend, listened to music & looked at books...time for some snuggly comfort under some blankets laying around in front of the TV. A better mum would find something else for them to do I'm sure, but today I'm pooped. I listened to poor D pour out his darkest thoughts last night about how

frustrated he is with his post-cancer body & his life. I've run around waiting on everyone this week & today I really am pooped. Praying for everyone. Think I might go & do a meditation & just sit & vent to God! He's big enough to take it!! Some weeks are tough. This was a tough one for us. But the only thing we can do is put one foot in front of the other each day. My brother-in-law is having his 60th birthday celebration up the coast right now & we are here instead of there...
Time to crank the heaters, pass the tissues, rug up & maybe do some reading!?