Tuesday, July 14, 2009

2 years on...

Two years ago (on the 13th July) David had his brother's stem cells put into his veins via his central line to give him a chance to LIVE. His body was filled with chemicals & radiation to totally destroy any remaining cancer & to totally destroy his immune system to give it the best chance to accept the new blood. We prayed & prayed that this would find its way into his bone & start the work of making new fresh marrow...
Two years down the track I am so happy that David is here - alive - with us. It has certainly taken a toll on us all though, & some results from this whole process remain to be fully seen. It has taken its toll on us all - emotionally, spiritually & physically. 

Here he is on his 40th birthday this year...there are many health issues that continue & instead of being a time of wonder & joy this is actually a time of darkness for him I think as he comes to grips with his life & his dreams...yet each day we put one foot in front of the other & we move forward - sometimes without realising it? Life does not stop so we can wallow in our private anguishes, it rushes ever onwards. It's like that Leunig cartoon of a man walking along a dark path looking up a laneway at bright lights & the arrow pointing up the laneway says "the life you could have lead" but the sad character continues along the path that says "the life you lead". That kind of sums up where I think he's at...

1 comment:

Tracy, mom2many said...

I'm sorry it's a dark place for him. I'm glad he's here too, for all that it's dark right now. Praising God and praying for him.