Sunday, June 8, 2008

How can something so small hurt so much?

This picture isn't actually MY finger. But I grabbed it for this post...
D bought a "stay sharp" knife to take camping - which I left in the sink last night all ready to be washed before I packed it back into our camping utensil bag...guess what's coming?

Well, I went to grab some potato peelings out of the sink when SLASH, I felt the pain & looked down to see blood pouring out of my can such a tiny part of the body hurt so much? I had to wrap the finger up in a towel & tried for ages to stop the bleeding - meanwhile D is outside trying to pack up the trailer before the rain hit. I couldn't help him at all & Bonnie had to stay out there trying to fold huge bits of canvas. We tossed up whether or not to go & have to wait 10 hours in an emergency waiting room only to have them say it's OK, or stay at home & have dinner & then wait & little daughter/nurse helped me put some "spray bandage" on it when there was a let up in bleeding & wrap a bandaid on it. 

Well, my pinky is still attached & tightly bound up in a strong bandaid...UGGG. Don't you hate it when you do things like that? You don't realise how much you use a hand - the whole hand - until something like that happens. All day I've had to try not to use it & keep it dry...a reminder to be more grateful for the use of my hands. 

And a reminder to be careful of a hidden STAY-SHARP KNIFE...they really are sharp...

1 comment:

Kerrie said...

Oh Lis, you made my day...commiserations my friend. I did the same thing to my forefinger three nights ago and it's still paining keeps splitting and bleeding. I have found I need to cover it then slip the finger of a disposable glove over it and tape it around the base of my finger. Finally tonight I am beginning to think it's starting to heal.

You are right though, John & I had the same have no idea how much you need your hands, feet & back until they are hurt.

Typing is hard too...