Wednesday, August 25, 2010

an epidural gone wrong...

Yesterday I was quite emotional after reading in the local paper about a poor mum who was accidentally injected with antiseptic instead of anaesthetic for the epidural during her can read more here. I went to tell D because he had nearly 20+ doses of chemo into his spine to kill off any Leukaemic cells lurking in there...I remember the sadness every time they had to do it, I remember how it became harder to get the needle in as it became more & more scarred in that area. I remember once the Dr accidentally did something wrong & splashed some of the antiseptic into his face as D sat terrified that his spinal fluid was spurting out (which seems funny now, but was scary at the time). I remember he heard that someone "somewhere" was accidentally injected with the wrong drug & died because the body couldn't deal with those toxins. He used to joke with the staff to try to gee himself up & make a joke like "I hope you don't inject the wrong thing" - then he realised St George was where it happened, then he realised why everyone was quiet...uggg.

I sat wanting to send this mother our love...she must be in so much pain, she must be heartbroken! Imagine going in to have a baby & months later be able to move, unable to sit up, unable to feed, hold or care for your baby. It's such a devastating story...praying that her little boy is still able to feel her love, & praying that somehow her body is able to flush out those's just too horrible to contemplate...

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